The Enterprise Dashboard provides a live, real time overview of your sites. The page updates every 30 seconds to ensure up to date information is shown. 

Live Stats

The 4 boxes in the top row show a live view of your sites

  • Sites - shows the total number of live sites the user has access to (this does not include not take-on sites) 
  • Closed - shows the number of sites which are currently Set 
  • In Alarm - shows the number of sites which have a latest event of in alarm (in alarm is defined by events with the colour failRed) 
  • High Activity - shows the number of sites which are reporting a significantly high number of events and may need attention. (sites reporting more than 4 alarms per hour) 


The groups section shows an overview of each group you have access to. The live stats are shown for each group to show the user which groups have most activity. 

Clicking on a group takes the user to the Group Dashboard. 

Live Pie Charts

Provide an overview of site states. 

  • Open / Close - shows the proportion of sites which are Open (unset) vs Closed (set) 
  • Current Alarm States - provides an instant view of the status colours of the latest event for each site 


If you have access to Analytics at Enterprise level, the Analytics button will appear in the top left. It will show how many reports you have access to. Click the button to access the reports.